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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Ibrahim, Mahmood, "al-Ḳalḳashandī, Abu 'l-ʿAbbās Aḥmad ibn ʿAbdallāh (1355-1418)." In A Global Encyclopedia of Historical Writing. Edited by Woolf, D. R.. 500-501. New York and London: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1998.
Series: Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 1809
Subjects: Individuals--Qalqashandi
2. Ibrahim, Mahmood. Review of The Crusades through Arab Eyes, by Amin Maalouf. International Journal of Middle East Studies 20, (1988): 559-560.
Subjects: Foreign relations
3. Ibrahim, Mahmood. Review of Aḥwāl al-ʿĀmmah fī Ḥukm al-Mamālīk, 678-784 H./1279-1382 M., by Ḥayāt Nāṣir al-Ḥajjī. al-ʿUṣūr al-Wusṭá: The Bulletin of Middle East Medievalists 9, 1 (1997): 23-24.
Subjects: Social relations
4. Ibrahim, Mahmood. "Practice and Reform in Fourteenth-Century Damascene Madrasahs." Mamlūk Studies Review 11, 1 (2007): 69-83.
Subjects: Scholarship/Places--Damascus
5. Ibrahim, Mahmood. "Crime and Punishment in Mamluk Damascus." Osmanlı Araştırmaları. Journal of Ottoman Studies 36, (2010): 13-33.
Subjects: Places--Damascus/Administration/Culture
6. Ibrahim, Mahmood. "The 727/1327 Silk Weavers’ Rebellion in Alexandria: Religious Xenophobia, Homophobia, or Economic Grievances." Mamlūk Studies Review 16, (2012): 123-142.
Subjects: Social Relations/Historiography



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